Cheat The Sims 4 PC
Cheat The Sims 4 Ini digunakan untuk bermain game The Sims 4Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C (or [Cmnd] + [Shift] + C on a Mac) to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Display most cheats | help |
Enable testing cheats [Note 1] | testingcheats [true or false] |
1,000 more Simoleons | rosebud or kaching |
50,000 more Simoleons | motherlode |
Toggle free neighborhood real estate [Note 2] | freerealestate [on or off] |
Return Sims to safe and nuetral state at home | resetSim [first name] [last name] |
Show talk/thought balloons above Sim's head | headlineeffects [on or off] |
Toggle Sims dying | Death.toggle |
Toggle framerate display at top right | fps [on or off] |
Full screen | fullscreen [on or off] |
Quit the game | quit |
Note 1: This code allows additional cheat codes to be used and unlocks various testing options, as described below.
Note 2: Activate the code at the neighborhood or world screen. When purchasing real estate, beware of the taxes in the lots.
Enable the "testingcheats true" code, then type one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Any cheat codes that rely on the "testingcheats true" code being enabled will have to be reenabled after traveling, entering Create A Sim mode, reloading the game, managing households or town, or causing a loading screen to appear. Incorrect code use may result in an unplayable game. Thus, create a new saved game to prevent corrupting your main game.
Result | Cheat Code |
Debug mode | bb.showhiddenobjects |
Edit all base level attributes for selected Sim | cas.fulleditmode |
Set funds to indicated number | money [number] |
Add value from current funds | Sims.modify_funds +[number] |
Subtract value from current funds | Sims.modify_funds -[number] |
Toggle ability to move objects [Note] | bb.moveobjects |
Toggle autopaid and disabled bills | households.autopay_bills [true or false] |
Fill indicated motive | fillmotive motive_[motive name] |
Complete current aspiration challenge and awards points | aspirations.complete_current_milestone |
Add 100 aspiration/satisfaction points; clear with "sims.remove_all_buffs" before reapplying | sims.add_buff Satisfaction_Points |
Toggle infinite consumable items; activate before obtaining item, does not work with upgrade parts | objects.consumables_infinite_toggle |
Increase size of selected object | [Shift] + ] |
Decrease size of selected object that was previously enlarged | [Shift] + [ |
Your Sim has acquaintances with all Sims | relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others |
Destroy relationship | relationship.destroy [your Sim's ID number] [target Sim's ID number] |
Spawn object | objects.gsi_create_obj [object ID] |
Spawn and add Sim to your household | Sims.Spawn |
Spawn Sim on your lot with "friend" status | relationships.create_friends_for_sim |
Spawn Sim on lot as visitor | sims.spawnsimple |
Force Sim to current lot | sims.summon_sim_to_zone [Sim's ID number] |
Force bills to be due | households.force_bills_due |
Set your Sim to adult age | setage |
Your Sim acts like a maid | sims.add_buff buff_role_serviceNPC_maid |
Your Sim no longer acts like a maid | sims.remove_buff buff_role_serviceNPC_maid |
Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in first trimester | sims.add_buff pregnancy_trimester1 |
Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in second trimester | sims.add_buff pregnancy_trimester2 |
Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in third trimester | sims.add_buff pregnancy_trimester3 |
Make Sim or Ghost pregnant at term; purchase a bassinet and they will have a fake birth | sims.add_buff pregnancy_inlabor |
Cause death while fixing electric item | sims.add_buff buff_death_electrocution_warning |
Cause death after working out | sims.add_buff buff_death_elderexhaustion_warning |
Cause death by embarrassment within five hours | sims.add_buff buff_mortified |
Cause death by hunger within one day | sims.add_buff buff_motives_hunger_starving |
Get a Sim's unique ID number | sims.get_sim_id_by_name [Sim's first and last names] |
Back out of dialog or automatically make a choice | ui.dialog.auto_respond |
Skip introduction menu for strangers; cannot be undone | relationship.make_all_sims_friends |
Note: When activated, objects can be overlapped, combined, and be placed outside their normal boundaries. However, objects moved with this code cannot be moved again after the code is toggled off.
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, enter the "cas.fulleditmode" code at the console window. Then, hold [Shift] and click on one of the following items to display a menu that allows them to be changed as indicated.
- Add to Family: Add the Sim to the current family.
- Cheat Motive - Disable Motive Decay: Motives remain static.
- Cheat Motive - Enable Motive Decay: Motives change dynamically.
- Cheat Motive - Make Happy: All motives are full and mood is Happy.
- Modify in CAS: Allows Sim to be modified, except name and inherited traits.
- Reset Object: Reset Sim.
- Reset Object: Resets the object.
- Make Dirty: Makes a clean object dirty.
- Make Clean: Makes a dirty object clean.
- Teleport Here: Moves your Sim to indicated location.
- Reset Object: Resets the mailbox.
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, enable the "stats.set_skill_level [skill name] [1-10]" at the console window to set the skill level. Use one of the following values as the skill name:
- Major_Bartending
- Major_Comedy
- Major_Charisma
- Major_Fishing
- Major_Gardening
- Major_GourmetCooking
- Major_Guitar
- Major_Handiness
- Major_HomestyleCooking
- Major_Logic
- Major_Mischief
- Major_Painting
- Major_Piano
- Major_Programming
- Major_Reaping
- Major_RocketScience
- Major_VideoGaming
- Major_Violin
- Major_Writing
- Skill_Child_Creativity
- Skill_Fitness
- Skill_Child_Mental
- Skill_Child_Motor
- Skill_Child_Social
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, enable the following codes to change the relationship between two sims:
To change friendships, use the "modifyrelationship [your Sim's full name] [target Sim's full name] [50 or -50] Friendship_Main" code
To change romance, use the "modifyrelationship [your Sim's full name] [target Sim's full name] [50 or -50] Romance_Main" code
To set a relationship, use the "relationship.add_bit [your Sim's ID number] [target Sim's ID number] [relationshipBit name]" code. Since you cannot remove a relationshipBit after it is set, you have to overwrite it. Use the following values for the relationshipBit name:
- romantic-Married
- family_husband_wife
- family_parent
- family_son_daughter
- family_brother_sister
- family_grandparent
- family_grandchild
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, the following codes can be used at the console window:
Result | Cheat Code |
Equip indicated trait to Sim | traits.equip_trait [trait name] |
Remove indicated trait from Sim | traits.remove_trait [trait name] |
Remove all traits from Sim | traits.clear_traits |
Use one of the following values for the trait name:
- Cheerful
- Good
- Geek
- Lazy
- Invested
- Piper
- Active
- Chronicler
- WebMaster
- Sincere
- Dastardly
- Muser
- Quick_Learner
- Gregarious
- High_Metabolism
- Collector
- SuperGreenThumb
- AlwaysWelcome
- Child
- Teen
- YoungAdult
- Adult
- Baby
- Elder
- Childish
- SelfAssured
- Bro
- Shameless
- Carefree
- Fertile
- Alluring
- Ambitious
- HatesChildren
- HotHeaded
- Glutton
- Evil
- FamilyOriented
- Clumsy
- CommitmentIssues
- Slob
- Mean
- Neat
- Insane
- Creative
- FreeServices
- Frugal
- Marketable
- SpeedReader
- Observant
- Memorable
- Connections
- NightOwl
- MusicLover
- Loner
- Snob
- Perfectionist
- Goofball
- Gloomy
- Piper
- Web_Master
- Savant
- MorningPerson
- CreativeVisionary
- Entrepreneurial
- ProfessionalSlacker
- EpicPoet
- LivingVicariously
- Outgoing
- MentallyGifted
- SociallyGifted
- PhysicallyGifted
- CreativelyGifted
- Bookworm
- Genius
- ArtLover
- Materialistic
- LovesOutdoors
- ValuedCustomer
- Longevity
- Business_Savvy
- FamilySim
- Legendary
- SpeedCleaner
- GreatKisser
- Mentor
- Romantic
- Foodie
- PerfectHost
- Hilarious
- Mastermind
- Bane
- TheKnack
- NeverWeary
- Independent
- Antiseptic
- HardlyHungry
- AnglersTranquility
- SteelBladder
- GymRat
- EternalBond
- Player
- Beguiling
- EssenceOfFlavor
- PotionMaster
- FreshChef
- Appraiser
- OneWithNature
- Expressionistic
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, the following codes can be used at the console window:
Result | Cheat Code |
Add indicated buff to Sim; for example, "sims.add_buff confidenthigh" | sims.add_buff [buff name] |
Remove indicated buff from Sim | sims.remove_buff [buff name] |
Remove all moodlets/emotions | sims.remove_all_buffs |
Use one of the following buff names with the "sims.add_buff [buff name]" code. Note: The "e_buff" type entries give the same mood effect granted by the Cowplant essence, which is strong and lasts for twelve hours.
Result | Buff Name |
100 Aspiration points | Points |
Angry; each will stack | Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, or unfaithful |
Embarrassed; each will stack | e_buff_embarrassed or peedself |
Energized; do not stack, high gives +2 | EnergizedLow or EnergizedHigh |
Flirty; do not stack, high gives +2 | FlirtyLow or FlirtyHigh |
Focused; do not stack, high gives +2 | FocusedLow or FocusedHigh |
Happy; each will stack | Social_Happy or e_Buff_Happy |
Inspired; do not stack, high gives +2 | InspiredLow or InspiredHigh |
Playful; do not stack, high gives +2 | PlayfulLow or PlayfulHigh |
Sad; do not stack, high gives +2 | SadLow or SadHigh |
Uncomfortable | e_buff_uncomfortable |
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, the following codes can be used at the console window:
Result | Cheat Code |
Add a career | Careers.add_career [career name] |
Remove a career | Careers.remove_career [career name] |
Promote Sim in current career | Careers.promote [career name] |
Demote Sim in current career | Careers.demote [career name] |
Raise child's grade by one letter | Careers.promote Gradeschool |
Raises a teen's grade by one letter | Careers.promote Highschool |
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, enter the following codes at the console window to spawn a handyman that will fix broken objects on your lot:
- soak.enable_soak_handyman_situation
- soak.create_soak_handyman_situation
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, enter the following codes at the console window to spawn a maid that will clean your lot:
- soak.enable_soak_maid_situation
- soak.create_soak_maid_situation
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, enter the following codes at the console window to start a party with a large number of Sims. They will leave after a few in-game hours.
- soak.enable_soak_party_situation
- soak.create_soak_party_situation
After activating the "testingcheats true" code, use the "objects.gsi_create_obj [object ID]" code to spawn the corresponding object near the center of your lot. Note: Save the game before spawning any objects to avoid issues if the item spawns outside your lot.
Object | Object ID code |
Collectibles | |
collectibles_Spawners_Frogs_Log | 0x0000adcc |
collectibles_Spawners_Frogs_Log_public | 0x00009adf |
collectibles_Spawners_Rock_DigSite | 0x0000addb |
collectibles_Spawners_Rock_public | 0x00009ad3 |
Career Rewards | |
object_barProRWCulSS4x1_01 | 0x000074c9 |
object_barProRWCulSS4x1_01 | 0x000074ca |
object_barProRWCulSS4x1_01 | 0x000074cb |
object_bedDoubleRWPainter_01 | 0x00006e3c |
object_bedDoubleRWPainter_01 | 0x00006e3d |
object_bedDoubleRWPainter_01 | 0x00006e3e |
object_bookcaseFloorRWWriter2x1_01 | 0x00008822 |
object_bookcaseFloorRWWriter2x1_01 | 0x0000ee52 |
object_bookcaseFloorRWWriter2x1_01 | 0x0000ee54 |
object_bookcaseFloorRWWriterMessy2x1_01 | 0x000071f1 |
object_bookcaseFloorRWWriterMessy2x1_01 | 0x0000ee56 |
object_bookcaseFloorRWWriterMessy2x1_01 | 0x0000ee5c |
object_coffeeMachineRWCareerCulinary_01 | 0x00008b6c |
object_coffeeMachineRWCareerCulinary_01 | 0x00008b6d |
object_coffeeMachineRWCareerCulinary_01 | 0x00008b81 |
object_computer_CrimSuitcase | 0x00007770 |
object_computer_CrimSuitcase | 0x00007772 |
object_computer_Tesla | 0x000072f3 |
object_computer_Tesla | 0x0000739e |
object_computer_Vintage | 0x000070e2 |
object_computer_Vintage | 0x000070e3 |
object_computer_Vintage | 0x000070e4 |
object_computerDesktopRWSpecWCool_01 | 0x0000952b |
object_computerDesktopRWSpecWCool_01 | 0x0000952c |
object_computerDesktopRWSpecWCool_01 | 0x0000952d |
object_counter_2part_deco | 0x00008163 |
object_counter_2part_deco | 0x00008164 |
object_counterIsle_2stand_1sit_deco | 0x00007017 |
object_counterIsle_2stand_1sit_deco | 0x00007018 |
object_counterIsleModRWCulinary_01 | 0x00007016 |
object_counterIsleModRWCulinary_01 | 0x00007016 |
object_counterModRWCulinary_01 | 0x00008162 |
object_counterModRWCulinary_01 | 0x00008162 |
object_counterModRWCulinary_01 | 0x00008162 |
object_counterModRWCulinary_01 | 0x00008162 |
object_deskRWAstrConsole2x1_01 | 0x0000766f |
object_deskRWAstrConsole2x1_01 | 0x00007670 |
object_deskRWAstrConsole2x1_01 | 0x00007671 |
object_deskRWSpy2x1_01 | 0x000070b3 |
object_deskRWSpy2x1_01 | 0x000070e5 |
object_deskRWSpy2x1_01 | 0x00007111 |
object_deskRWWriterAntique2x1_01 | 0x0000767c |
object_deskRWWriterAntique2x1_01 | 0x0000767d |
object_deskRWWriterAntique2x1_01 | 0x0000767e |
object_deskRWWriterAntique2x1_01 | 0x0000ee9a |
object_deskRWWriterAntique2x1_01 | 0x0000ee9c |
object_deskRWWriterAntique2x1_01 | 0x0000ee9e |
object_deskRWWriterAntique2x1_01 | 0x0000eea0 |
object_fridgeModRWCulinary_01 | 0x0000775c |
object_fridgeModRWCulinary_01 | 0x00007883 |
object_fridgeModRWCulinary_01 | 0x00007884 |
object_gameMotionMatGuruEvent_01 | 0x000091b7 |
object_gameMotionMatGuruEvent_01 | 0x000091ba |
object_gameMotionMatGuruEvent_01 | 0x000091bb |
object_LaserLightShow_Astronaut | 0x0000bc13 |
object_lightCeilingGEN_01:0x0b1f0093ab900326 | 0x00001772 |
object_lightCeilingRWCareerSolarSystem_01 | 0x0000806b |
object_lightCeilingRWCareerSolarSystem_01 | 0x0000806c |
object_lightFloorRWCulMartini_01 | 0x00007228 |
object_lightFloorRWCulMartini_01 | 0x00007226 |
object_lightFloorRWCulMartini_01 | 0x00007227 |
object_lightFloorRWPainterStillLife2x2_01 | 0x0000781d |
object_lightFloorRWPainterStillLife2x2_01 | 0x0000781e |
object_lightFloorRWPainterStillLife2x2_01 | 0x0000781f |
object_lightTableRWSpy_01 | 0x00006d07 |
object_lightTableRWSpy_01 | 0x00006d22 |
object_lightTableRWSpy_01 | 0x00006d24 |
object_light_wall | 0x0000b40d |
object_light_wall | 0x0000b40e |
object_light_wall | 0x0000b40f |
object_mirrorWallRWEntStar2x1_01 | 0x00007523 |
object_musicGuitarRWEntSigned_01 | 0x00007d6a |
object_musicGuitarRWEntSigned_01 | 0x00007d6b |
object_musicGuitarRWEntSigned_01 | 0x00007d6c |
object_musicGuitarRWEntSigned_01 | 0x00007d6d |
object_musicPianoGrandRWEntFancy_01 | 0x00007b36 |
object_musicPianoGrandRWEntFancy_01 | 0x00007b39 |
object_musicPianoGrandRWEntFancy_01 | 0x00007b3a |
object_paintEaselRWPainterAntique_01 | 0x00006e40 |
object_paintEaselRWPainterAntique_01 | 0x00006e41 |
object_paintEaselRWPainterAntique_01 | 0x00006e42 |
object_paintEaselRWPainterHigh_01 | 0x00007141 |
object_paintEaselRWPainterHigh_01 | 0x00007142 |
object_paintEaselRWPainterHigh_01 | 0x00007143 |
object_paintEaselRWPainterMed_01 | 0x00007b11 |
object_paintEaselRWPainterMed_01 | 0x00007c00 |
object_paintEaselRWPainterMed_01 | 0x00007c01 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a95d02dd | 0x000094dd |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a96202de | 0x0000806e |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a96502df | 0x0000806f |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a96802e0 | 0x00008e26 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a97002e1 | 0x0000ac8f |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a97402e2 | 0x0000eb20 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a97702e3 | 0x0000eb28 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a98002e4 | 0x0000eb26 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093a98602e5 | 0x0000eb24 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ad7a03d0 | 0x0000902a |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ad7e03d1 | 0x0000902b |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ad8403d2 | 0x0000902c |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ad8b03d3 | 0x00007200 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ad9003d4 | 0x00007204 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ad9603d5 | 0x0000bfad |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ad9903d6 | 0x0000bfaf |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ad9e03d7 | 0x0000ac8e |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093ada303d8 | 0x0000eb1e |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093adac03d9 | 0x0000ac90 |
object_painting:0x0b1f0093adb303da | 0x0000eb14 |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x0000754a |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x0000754b |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x0000754c |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x00007412 |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x00007414 |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x00009584 |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x0000ef62 |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x0000ef64 |
object_plant_non_gardening_generic | 0x0000ef66 |
object_punchingBagRWCareerQtrCirP_01 | 0x0000902e |
object_punchingBagRWCareerQtrCirP_01 | 0x0000902f |
object_punchingBagRWCrimOld_01 | 0x00007222 |
object_punchingBagRWCrimOld_01 | 0x00007223 |
object_punchingBagRWCrimOld_01 | 0x00007224 |
object_rocketShipRWAstroApollo_01 | 0x00007b81 |
object_rocketShipRWAstroApollo_01 | 0x00007b8f |
object_rocketShipRWAstroApollo_01 | 0x00007b90 |
object_rocketShipRWAstroSciFi_01 | 0x00007bc8 |
object_rocketShipRWAstroSciFi_01 | 0x00007bca |
object_rug | 0x00004053 |
object_rug | 0x0000be4e |
object_rug | 0x0000be4c |
object_rug | 0x000073ab |
object_rug | 0x000073ac |
object_rug | 0x000073ad |
object_rug | 0x0000c086 |
object_rug | 0x0000c08d |
object_rug | 0x0000c08f |
object_sculpture | 0x0000740d |
object_sculpture | 0x0000740e |
object_sculpture | 0x0000740f |
object_sculpture | 0x00009054 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000f0e7 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000b529 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000f0e9 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000903b |
object_sculpture | 0x0000903e |
object_sculpture | 0x0000903f |
object_sculpture | 0x0000905d |
object_sculpture | 0x0000905f |
object_sculpture | 0x00009060 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000753f |
object_sculpture | 0x00008071 |
object_sculpture | 0x00008072 |
object_sculpture | 0x00008073 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000b7e9 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000723b |
object_sculpture | 0x0000b609 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000b50f |
object_sculpture | 0x0000b510 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000b511 |
object_sculpture | 0x000071d3 |
object_sculpture | 0x000071d4 |
object_sculpture | 0x000071d5 |
object_sculpture | 0x000074c6 |
object_sculpture | 0x000074c7 |
object_sculpture | 0x000074d9 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000dfea |
object_sculpture | 0x0000718d |
object_sculpture | 0x0000718e |
object_sculpture | 0x0000718f |
object_sculpture | 0x000022cd |
object_sculpture | 0x000022ce |
object_sculpture | 0x000022cf |
object_sculpture | 0x0000f0b9 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000f0bd |
object_sculpture | 0x0000f0bb |
object_sculpture | 0x00009050 |
object_sculpture | 0x00009052 |
object_sculpture | 0x00007192 |
object_sculpture | 0x00007194 |
object_sculpture | 0x00008079 |
object_sculpture | 0x00008198 |
object_sculpture | 0x00009056 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000905b |
object_sculpture | 0x00007943 |
object_sculpture | 0x00007945 |
object_sculpture | 0x00007947 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000a854 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000a855 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000a856 |
object_sculpture | 0x00006e4e |
object_sculpture | 0x00006e4f |
object_sculpture | 0x00006e50 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000713d |
object_sculpture | 0x0000713e |
object_sculpture | 0x0000713f |
object_sculpture | 0x0000748d |
object_sculpture | 0x0000748f |
object_sculpture | 0x000073d9 |
object_sculpture | 0x000073da |
object_sculpture | 0x000073db |
object_sculpture | 0x0000904b |
object_sculpture | 0x0000904d |
object_sculpture | 0x00009046 |
object_sculpture | 0x00009067 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000efe4 |
object_sculpture | 0x00009062 |
object_sculpture | 0x00009033 |
object_sculpture | 0x00009035 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000e06d |
object_sculpture | 0x0000e070 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000ee66 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000ee62 |
object_sculpture | 0x00003440 |
object_sculpture | 0x00003442 |
object_sculpture | 0x00003441 |
object_sculpture | 0x00007e26 |
object_sculpture | 0x00007e27 |
object_sculpture | 0x00007e28 |
object_sculpture | 0x0000399a |
object_sculpture_sculptFloorRWCrimStolenNecklace | 0x00007121 |
object_sculpture_sculptFloorRWCrimStolenNecklace | 0x00007122 |
object_sculpture_sculptFloorRWCrimStolenNecklace | 0x00007123 |
object_sculpture_sculptWallRWCrimSatellite | 0x000074aa |
object_sculpture_sculptWallRWCrimSatellite | 0x000074ab |
object_sculpture_sculptWallRWCrimSatellite | 0x000074ac |
object_sculpture_scultWallRWSpyTactMap | 0x000071ea |
object_sinkCounterRWCulinary_01 | 0x000072e5 |
object_sinkCounterRWCulinary_01 | 0x000072e6 |
object_sinkCounterRWCulinary_01 | 0x000072e7 |
object_sitDecoBenchCE3x1_01 | 0x00007593 |
object_sitDiningRWAstronaut_01 | 0x0000807b |
object_sitDiningRWAstronaut_01 | 0x0000807c |
object_sitDiningRWAstronaut_01 | 0x0000807d |
object_sitDiningRWSpy_01 | 0x00006cc3 |
object_sitDiningRWSpy_01 | 0x00006cc6 |
object_sitDiningRWSpy_01 | 0x00006ccb |
object_sitLivingRWSpyVillain_01 | 0x0000708c |
object_sitLivingRWSpyVillain_01 | 0x0000708d |
object_sitLivingRWSpyVillain_01 | 0x0000708e |
object_sitLivingRWWriterLeather_01 | 0x000071cf |
object_sitLivingRWWriterLeather_01 | 0x000071d0 |
object_sitLivingRWWriterLeather_01 | 0x000071d1 |
object_sitSofaGEN3x1_01 | 0x00006da8 |
object_sitSofaGEN3x1_01 | 0x00006da9 |
object_sitSofaGEN3x1_01 | 0x00006daa |
object_stereoFloorRWEntTube2x1_01 | 0x00007c03 |
object_stereoFloorRWEntTube2x1_01 | 0x00007c04 |
object_stereoFloorRWEntTube2x1_01 | 0x00007c05 |
object_stoveRWCulGriddle_01 | 0x0000b52f |
object_stoveRWCulGriddle_01 | 0x0000b530 |
object_stoveRWCulGriddle_01 | 0x0000b531 |
object_tvWallHIGH3x2_01 | 0x0000de07 |
object_tvWallHIGH3x2_01 | 0x0000de09 |
rabbitHole_Tree | 0x0000ad27 |
To enter the hidden Forgotten Grotto lot in Oasis Springs, visit the Desert Bloom park lot in the Oasis Springs neighborhood. At the park, go far behind the lot to a public space with a bathroom stall. Then, proceed though the canyon to the left to find a boarded up cave entrance. Interact with the Mine Cave. Your Sim must have Level 10 Hardiness to break down the wooden barrier and explore inside. To complete the Adventure Cave, select the options in the following order: "Take The Wide Path", "Climb The Ladder", "Step Onto The Ledge". You will now be in Forgotten Grotto. This area contains the following collectibles: Fish, Frog, Lily, Mineral, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, and Sage.
To enter the hidden Sylvan Glades lot in Willow Creek, visit the Crick Cabana lot in the Willow Creek neighborhood, and explore the public space next to the house to find a large tree labeled "Sylvan Tree" with flowers growing out from the sides. Repeatedly click the tree and select "View" until a door appears. Enter the Tree Adventure mode, and select the options in the following order: "Follow The Sound", "Follow Downstream", "Enter The Mist". You will now be in Sylvan Glades. This area contains the following collectibles: Basil, Bluebell, Cherry Tree, Fish, Frog, Lily, Mineral, Mushroom, Pear Tree, Snapdragon, and Strawberry.
Use one of the following methods to obtain the rare Voodoo Doll item. Note: The Voodoo Doll requires Level 1 Mischief skill to use, and increasing the skill level for Mischief will give your Sim better results with the Voodoo Doll.
Purchasing Online: You can unlock the Voodoo Doll for purchase at the Online Store (using a PC) for 950 simoleons by raising your Mischief skill to Level 3. To do that, walk around town and choose the "Mischief" bubble when interacting with other Sims. Once you are able to "Troll" internet forums using the computer, do so to speed up the process.
Hunting for Treasure: Keep digging for treasure to eventually find the Voodoo Doll. To dig, travel to public spaces around the neighborhood. Search for piles of rock deposits, and use a shovel to interact. You will find randomly generated items and treasure maps to unlock collectible MySims statues.
Rare Pond Fishing: Travel to the Desert Bloom lot in Oasis Springs, then move toward the public space behind the park where there is a rock canyon leading to a boarded up cave entrance. Along the rock walls are tiny ponds that you can fish in. Keep fishing in the ponds until you obtain the Voodoo Doll.
To grow the special Cow Plant, you must first acquire a rare Cow Plant seed. They can be found by traveling to the Desert Bloom lot in Oasis Springs, then move toward the public space behind the park where there is a rock canyon leading to a boarded up cave entrance. Along the rock walls are tiny ponds that are the source of the shallow stream. Fish at this area to eventually get a Cow Plant seed. Once you have a Cow Plant seed, return to your Sim's home lot. Drag the seed from your inventory onto the ground where you want to plant it. Once it is planted, make sure to water it daily, and eventually it will grow to full size. If the mound of dirt at the base turns light brown, it means the soil is dry and needs watering. A fully grown Cow Plant is a dangerous creature. They generate rejuvenating milk after eating Sims that are fooled by their false cake tongues. Additionally, make sure to keep feeding your Cow Plant meat when it is fully grown or else it may die. The Cow Plant was first introduced in The Sims 2.
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